What if you could go out to eat, get whatever you want, and NOT have to worry about how bloated you’ll be after?

Maybe you….

  • Wear baggy clothes every time you go out with friends to hide your bloated belly.
  • Are eating as healthy as possible and still feel bloated after every meal
  • Have tried every supplement on the market that everyone said would work and have had zero to minimal success. 
  • Are tired of trying to hide your discomfort when around others.
  • Not only experience bloat but also have excessive gas, stomach cramping, acid reflux, or other digestive discomfort.

What if…

  • You learned all about digestion and how to implement tips and tricks to decrease or eliminate your bloating, gas, and/or acid reflux
  • You were able to pinpoint food sensitivities and find out what foods don’t work well for your specific body
  • AND you could wear tight fitting clothing all day without worrying how bloated you’ll be after meals.


  • …without having to follow a crazy strict diet that causes you more stress
  • …without having to sacrifice eating out and spending time with friends
  • …without having to give up your favorite foods forever
  • …without having to spend a ton of money to work 1-on-1 with a certified practitioner
  • ...without being a slave to a calorie tracking apps

Just a two years ago I was chronically bloated, had alternating constipation and diarrhea, was told I have leaky gut and SIBO, and felt terrible after eating just about anything! I was eating insanely “healthy” but was chronically inflamed and always looked like I was 6 months pregnant! 

Fast Forward 2 years later and I have healed & sealed my gut, eat almost anything I want to and wear tight fitting clothing whenever the hell I want to AND I’m not scared to go out and get food with friends.

In this course you will learn all about….

  • Correct digestive function
  • Digestive dysfunction
  • How to clean up your diet and lifestyle to support your gut
  • How to pinpoint food sensitivities 
  • What your poop is telling you
  • How to maintain a healthy gut
  • Supplementation
  • …and more!


Bloat Free Academy!

Hi, I’m Natalie, FNTP!

I am a certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) who specializes in all things digestion. 

Like many others, I grew up on the standard American diet, complete with lots of fast and ultra processed food. I remember having intense stomach pains, non stop gas and bloating, and was sick way too often - I was also diagnosed with severe anxiety and mild depression. In my 20s, my weight fluctuated constantly which impacted my self-confidence and overall mental health. At my thinnest, I was my most unhealthy; I had chronic diarrhea/constipation, was always hungry, and experienced digestive discomfort after every meal. After years of suffering I decided to become an FNTP through the Nutritional Therapy Association and take a deep dive into nutrition.

Fast forward to the present - I have beat the bloat and am helping others do the same! Digestive health issues are common, but are far from normal. Let me help you get back to your best self (both physically and mentally)!

Bloat Free Academy is a self-paced, 100% online program with a blueprint to take you from the insanely bloated, yo-yo dieter, with minimal confidence…


  • Avoiding digestive discomfort after meals
  • Knowing what foods don’t agree with your stomach
  • Eating almost anything you want, whenever you want
  • ROCKING that tiny black dress at happy hour

Upon enrollment you’ll have immediate access to all course content including:

  • Video lessons
  • Audio lessons
  • Interactive Worksheets
  • At Home Guides

Course Curriculum

  [Module 1] Welcome + Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  [Module 2] Digestion Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  [Module 3] Step #1 Clean-Up
Available in days
days after you enroll
  [Module 4] Step #2 Pinpointing Food Sensitivities
Available in days
days after you enroll
  [Module 5] Step #3 Supplementation & Maintenance
Available in days
days after you enroll
  [Module 6] Closing + Q&A
Available in days
days after you enroll

By the end of this self-paced course you will have learned…

  • How proper digestion should look and feel
  • To clean up your diet and lifestyle to support your gut
  • To pinpoint foods that trigger and disrupt your gut
  • All about supplementing for optimal gut health
  • How to maintain a healthy gut moving forward

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What Students Are Saying..

"I am someone who is intimidated by everything to do with my own health & wellness. Natalie's courses make it so comfortable & EASY to feel like I can dip a toe in to exploring gut health, specifically, without the fear of drowning in all the information. Her courses make the information feel accessible & tangible."

"During & after the course I was able to take some small, yet meaningful, steps in the direction of healing my gut! I highly recommend this course to anyone really, but also to people who experience discomfort in their gut & feel overwhelmed with where to start the healing process."

Refund Policy:

Due to the digital nature of the course, NO refunds will be issued, under any circumstances. Please make sure that the course feels like a good fit for you, before enrolling. (Email [email protected] with any questions, we'd be happy to help!)


The contents of this course is not to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. Natalie Velez, FNTP / Natalie Celeste Wellness does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content.